I have hurt some guys in the past. I once whacked someone's head open and turned another guy's face into a funny looking abstract of sorts. I've done a few stuff that I should not have done but nothing that I regret. If those things happen all over again, probably, I'd do the same. Maybe I'll do better. Who knows these things? My advice to you, "take a cue from Tony Soprano, ladies and gentlemen".
It was Jesus Christ who whipped and thrashed the market stalls outside the temple. The merchants were selling all sorts of vile stuff outside the temple, at the temple steps, I don't know, maybe even inside there's a fellow going "hey, dude, want to buy a sundial... or a camel blind?" If I were Jesus, I'd do the same. I'm the son of God and you sell stuff outside my house without my permission? I should get a cut. A 40% shy on everything. The meat of the matter is, "it is reasonable to get a little bit violent when there is a need for a showing of strength. When you've got to punch someone in the nose, you've got to punch someone in the nose. Let the other fellow bleed if he deserves it". Later on in his short life here on earth, Jesus also said, "I have come not to bring peace but a sword."
Today's modern "civil" society is overflowing with hypocrisy. If you ever get mad and manifest your anger physically, you'll be instantly labeled as a sociopath. What the fuck? A sociopath? I say Fuck it! Ever since the beginning of time, man always had conflict with man. Force is a language that everyone used to understand. Hence the maxim, "Survival of the fittest--The strong shall live and the weak shall perish."
I'm not saying that it is perfectly alright to bash someone else's head with a shovel to set his thinking straight, but what I am trying to convey is that the world is fastly becoming a planet of apathethic spineless wimps, especially the Philippines. The reason why the government is so corrupt is because we as a people are sissies. I understand that we've been culturaly trained and "miseducated" (that's Renato Constantino for you) to become sissies by the colonials back in the day but hell that was ages ago, If we really had the balls, we should've bounced back by now. Look at goddam Cambodia, the country is practically destroyed by the regime of the bloody Khmer Rogue just in the 70's but they're doing better than us now. I really hate to compare but its the only way that I can make my case here. Alas! We have not.
Unless we gather our cajones and get our dicks straight and hard, all this abusive and horrible shit that's happenning to us will continue and in the end, will turn us all into fucking mindless robots. We've got to rise up, raise our clenched fists, brandish that chain, cock that automatic, and overturn all the fucking market-stalls that have been pestering our temples forever.
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